Who are some gay football players

Who are some gay football players

Raiders defensive lineman carl nassib became the first active nfl player to come out as a gay man in 2021 during pride month.The sophomore for the umass minutemen had been struggling over the last year before finally deciding to come out to his teammates.Steve wewerka for the new york times in 2013, chris culliver of the san francisco 49ers and chris clemons of the.Before transferring to umass, gordon led western kentucky in scoring and rebounding as a freshman.Following burke, billy bean is one of the first to publicly come out as gay in the mlb.

Justin fashanu became the first professional british male football player to come out in 1990.University of missouri star defensive end michael sam came out publicly after the college season, and is expected to be taken in may's nfl draft.Kopay, whose autobiography reached the new york times bestsellers list, will turn 75 next week and lives in los angeles.Nfl network's albert breer was talking to bengals defensive back adam pacman jones when a few naked bengals players made their way into the shot.Geffen came out as gay in 1992.

Raiders defensive lineman carl nassib became the first active nfl player to come out as a gay man in 2021 during pride month.

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