Which of the following definitions of subliminal perception is correct
Which of the following definitions of subliminal perception is correct?Subliminal stimuli occur at intensities above the absolute threshold.Is the source of psychic motivation, such as sex and aggression.Where there are many other products like it on the market already.Advertisers have demonstrated that subliminal cues can increase sales of some products.
Unlike other forms of perception, the perception of pain is not affected by culture.No conscious awareness is predicted.A situation where behavior is influenced by stimuli that a person cannot report perceiving.Examined randomly by technicians in a sleep lab a device designed to facilitate sleep in those suffering from insomnia correct!Subliminal persuasion refers to the.
And aroused states of which we are aware is the definition of ____.Where there is a lot of information about the product or service.The average threshold for human vision is a candle flame seen from _____ n a dark, clear night.Where the consumer has extensive experience of the product class.A) people can perceive stimuli below the threshold of awareness.
Methods to study subliminal perception.