How do you deal with a 2 year old hitting
Make sure the child is not overly hungry, tired, or stimulated.Read books together about dealing with tough emotions.Give them something (not someone) to hit toddlers need help learning to control their impulses and how to express themselves, and while they figure these life skills out, they need appropriate alternatives.At this age, emotions still trump thinking skills almost every time.• try a time out.
Instead of helping our child with his feelings, we punish him.Teach her what she can say next time she wants something.Discipline them, whether it is using a timeout or some other method.Or, if we realize that punishmentwill make things worse, we say sternly, no hitting!If they persist, distracting them from the negative behavior with another.
Bannan, why your toddler hits and bites if a child is hitting or kicking, there is a reason that they are doing so.Do not hit your child back.When an incident happens, get down to your child's level and state very firmly 'no hitting' (or similar), make them apologise to their 'victim' and calmly remove them from the situation for some time out.Try to speak calmly, but if your child doesn't listen, take her aside and say, you're out of control.Help your child learn to use words instead of hitting.
Hold them and explain, no hitting.Teach your child to walk away when they feel someone is treating them.If your child hits you and you spank him or discipline him by force, you'll only teach him that aggression is an acceptable way to express his feelings or to get what he wants.