What makes a cell excitable
Thus produce electrochemical impulses (action potential) and conduct these impulses along the cell membrane by the entry of sodium ions and exit of potassium ions.This is due to a sophisticated mechanism in an ion channel of the vacuole.The size of the resting potential varies, but in excitable cells runs about −70 millivolts (mv).Most neuroscience textbook accounts of cellular excitability do not divulge the essence of what makes cells excitable because they seem reluctant to address the underlying mathematics and physics.This is due to a sophisticated mechanism in an ion channel of the vacuole.
The membrane potential and the differences in ion concentrations between the intracellular and the extracellular spaces.Ach receptors causing na + channels to open.While response to stimulus is a characteristic of all living tissues, excitable cells such as nerves and muscles have the ability to generate signals that may be quickly transmitted to other cells.Masland) is of a single inter neuron in the retina of a rabbit.Physically pressure receptors physically deforming and opening na + channels.
The resting potential arises from two activities:The origin of membrane voltage is same in both nerve cell and muscle cell.