What are dogs with flat faces called
As well as pugs being a famous favourite, celebs like marcus rashford, holly willoughby and millie mackintosh own fashionable french bulldogs.Let's learn more about these unique breeds.But persians are known for more than just their appearance.The breed was considered sacred to the aztecs who believed that the dogs could guide their souls through the underworld.What gives it a vulpine exterior:
Unfortunately, this adorable trait comes with a unique set of health issues that results in the most extreme version of these breeds not being able to breathe correctly.This comes from two greek words meaning 'short' and 'head'.Pugs are popular options for people living in apartments since they cannot handle lots of exercise because of their flat faces' shape.Brachycephalic dogs also have lower tolerance to heat and tend to suffer from skin and eye issues.Brachycephalic breeds of dogs can be identified by their shortened snouts or faces that appear flat and, as a result, have narrow nostrils and smaller airways.
Brachycephalic describes any dog whose muzzle looks like it has been flattened or squashed inwards.They're built low to the ground with long, drooping ears and very loose skin across their whole body.Some breeds like dalmatians are well known spotted pups.Whippets are one of the most popular long face dog breeds in the world.The bedlington terrier is another dog with curly hair and a super cute face.
It's one of the breed's trademarks;