How do I stop my 4 year old from having tantrums
Do not get angry or offer a response that will fuel her anger and frustration.Do not try to stop the hysteric with strictness, screams or by using physical violence.But often these games are a first step, and bring the deeper fears to the surface, at which point they have a real meltdown and let the fears pour out.Or act frightened of her, which should also get her giggling.) you can do these games any time, and they will lessen the load of fear she is carrying, and help her not have these tantrums.'when a child becomes emotionally overloaded, they go into what's known as the limbic brain, also known as the hot brain because it's the part that deals with emotions,' explains.
Move the child to a safe place.Avert your eyes, pretend you can't hear the screaming, and walk away if you have to, but make sure you don't provide your child with any type of attention.If a tantrum escalates, remove your child from the situation and enforce a timeout:Avoid long outings, delayed meals, and naps.Ignoring is the best strategy to make a tantrum stop.
Stay calm and stay present.Help your child understand their emotions.Managing extreme tantrums is similar to managing toddler temper tantrums when they happen.It immediately grabs her attention, and she starts.Identify tantrum triggers like tiredness, hunger, worries, fears or overstimulation.
Wait for your child to calm down.Take them to your car or a public restroom, where they can blow off steam.Next, try to calm him down with your voice in a polite and friendly tone.These are a few things you can do to make tantrums less likely to happen: