What are the main causes of stress for high school students
For teens, the most commonly reported sources of stress are school (83 percent), getting into a good college or deciding what to do after high school (69 percent), and financial concerns for their family (65 percent).For instance, it becomes hard to balance home activities, dating, peer activities among the many activities that they are required to play.There are numerous causes of stress in romantic relationships and when couples are constantly under pressure, the relationship could be on the risk of failure.The main sources of stress were examinations, choosing a career path, and family troubles.The number of high school students claiming to experience an overwhelming amount of stress has gone up from past generations, and there are two main lines of thought stemming from this.
When having annoying parents means they will make a fuss out of virtually anything.Being too busy to spend time with each other and share responsibilities.Having parents feel this way causes a student to feel guilt.Classes that are too hard as they progress through school and start taking more advanced classes, the increased difficulty can cause stress for students.Research shows that some students regularly receive higher amounts of homework than experts recommend, which may cause stress and negative health effects.
When people go to free high school college graduation read morePast failures can make the demands of high school feel even greater.Stress, in particular, accounted for 5.9% of the reported issues.These practices decrease physiological markers of stress in diverse populations.Thai students spend a lot of time in classroom and many extra hours after school for tutorial classes that can cause stress and adverse impact on the health status since students focus on academic excellent outcomes [8,12,13].
For high school students, grades are so important, some consider them life or death.