How do you deal with a girl on her period
4 level 1 · 6 yr.Be attentive and sweet now is the time for you to treat her extra special.Have one on hand just in case it helps her rest easier.Have a trusty lubricant around that you can grab in a hot second.Simply letting her sleep in your arms can make her feel comfortable.
Ago a lemur called simon but sometimes you gotta feed the beast.Motivate her to exercise from the second or third day of the period.Listen to her story the first day that you can do in order to make her happy is very simple.You simply need to listen.It's just a period, this is (likely) a regular thing for her, she's had practice at dealing with it, so you should be able to treat her pretty much as normal.
You can of course talk about things which concern you, or discuss issues that are important, but avoid arguments.Certain menstrual cups and disks can be inserted into your body.Keeping track of your girlfriends period will be a nice gesture.To avoid that, the fix is simple:Now, this is a controversial assertion, so it's mostly a matter of preference if you want to do this type of thing.
If your partner gets particularly bad cramps or lower back pain during her period it can feel soothing to have a hot water bottle resting against her most painful areas.Well, that depends on the girl.She isn't feeling all that great, and she needs you to be supportive and loving.Cramps in the lower part of the body are pretty common, especially in the abdominal and lower back area.It's not just ridiculously painful, it's also unfair.
Avoid disrupting your girlfriend's sleep by playing the television loudly or by keeping her up late at night.These hormones cause the lining of the uterus (or womb) to build up.